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 ID: depy

 Work: Meituan Group/ Anti Crawler Engineer (2023.5 - NOW)

 Bounty Hunter / Developer / Travel / Console Game 


Mail:  i[AT]rce.ink .   

Telegram: (You can encrypt and provide your Telegram account or QR code to my email,For more private communication XD)

(If you need to convey encrypted information or transfer encrypted files, please use the PGP public key for encryption.)


The backend of this site is driven by DepyDocs , and the frontend is modified from the document platform on the official website of Wokerman. This is a document management platform deployed based on the SaaS model, independently developed by myself and currently not open source.


The content in the "Reading Notes" section of this website is excerpted by me, and the viewpoints are not created by me. If reproduced, please declare the original author and address to protect the rights of the original author.

Finally, I am honored that you have been able to visit the website I have created. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, I wish you a happy life.

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