
Security Classification: 【C-1】 | Publish Time:2024-02-05 | Category:Old Posts | Edit

Expiry Notice: The article was published three months ago. Please independently assess the validity of the technical methods and code mentioned within. :)

AI摘要:本文介绍了如何开发一款Burp Suite插件,以便快速接入云函数进行代理测试。设计思路是简化现有工具的流量转发机制,利用IHttpListener接口监听HTTP请求,并通过自定义IHttpService修改请求参数,最终将原始请求打包并发送到云函数接口处理。文章详细描述了插件开发的步骤、代码实现及云函数处理逻辑,强调了提升插件灵活性和用户配置的必要性。 --- (来自模型:gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18)

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