Security Classification: 【C-1】 | Publish Time:2024-09-03 | Category:Essay | EditExpiry Notice: The article was published three months ago. Please independently assess the validity of the technical methods and code mentioned within. :)
AI Summary: 作者反思自己在过去半年中的成长与不足,尤其在程序分析技术学习中感到困惑和紧迫。尽管有收获,但依然缺乏深度与独立思考能力,常因期待结果而内耗。感激现有同事和领导,意识到需要更加稳重和慎重地做决定。尽管对未来感到羞愧,但仍决心继续前行,努力学习新技术。 --- (From Model:gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18)
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